Top 9 Signs You Will Get the Job after an Interview

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You just had what you think was a stellar interview with the company of your dreams. Congrats! But how well can you recognize signs you got the job

You’re confident you did everything right. From dressing the part, arriving early, engaging in polite conversation with the receptionist, to impressing the interview panel. 

And with only 20% of applicants securing an interview, acing a professional appointment can feel like scoring the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl.

But you may wonder, “Will I get the job?”. And since an immediate response is unlikely, that can seem like an eternal waiting game. 

A Glassdoor study found that the interview process averages 24 days in the US. 

Regardless, you don’t want to call the company soon after the meeting asking if you scored the opportunity. It’s annoying and desperate. Plus, it shows you’re an amateur.

Too often, candidates are left waiting in limbo, wondering whether they got the job or not and feeling frustrated with each passing day. 

But the truth is, the answers are often right in front of us! 

Whether the interviewer asked you to wait for a response or you’re feeling left in the dark, grieve no more. This post will provide a more precise direction on how to know if you got the job

Let’s start with whether you should follow up with the potential employer after an interview.

Should You Follow Up After the Interview?

According to Zippia, 37% of candidates receive feedback within a week of the interview. Roughly 44% hear back from the company within a couple of weeks. 

Rarely is an immediate follow-up email asking about the company’s hiring decision appropriate. 

However, you can’t go wrong with sending a thank-you email within 24 hours of the interview (unless instructed otherwise by the company).  It’s all about expressing your gratitude for the interviewer’s time and effort. But beyond that, it solidifies your interest in the position and keeps you on the interviewer’s radar. 

Each interviewer should receive a custom thank-you note. A quick recap can help refresh their memory of you and the conversation.

Please note that a follow-up doesn’t guarantee an immediate response. And following are possible reasons it may take longer than expected to hear back from the interview

  • The company is interviewing other candidates
  • The organization or hiring team has prioritized other rushing matters
  • A key decision-maker is out of office
  • They put the position on hold indefinitely, possibly due to reorganization, changes in management, or budget reasons.
  • It could be against company policies to contact candidates before making concrete hiring decisions.

Proper etiquette demands you wait for the interviewer to respond to your thank-you email. But if nothing happens within 10-14 days, feel free to email or call the company or interviewer for feedback. 

9 Signs You Got the Job After the Interview

You don’t have to wait in limbo. Here’re promising signs you’ll get the job after the interview:

  • You built rapport with the interviewer
  • The interviewer’s questions suggest genuine interest in your candidacy
  • They mentioned when you should expect to hear from them
  • The non-verbal cues were very telling
  • You aced all interview questions
  • The interviewer highlighted specific tasks/projects you would do if hired
  • The appointment went longer than scheduled
  • The interviewer brings up salary expectations and company benefits
  • You walked from the interview with the hiring manager’s contact info

1. You felt like you connected to the interviewer

The first thing to consider is the overall tone of the conversation. Did it feel like a friendly discussion, or was it more like an interrogation? Did the interviewer show a clear interest in your answers, or did they look bored and absent-minded? 

If you feel that you and the interviewer had a sense of mutual respect, shared values, and a connection, those are positive signs the interview went well. You may even have walked away from an interview feeling like you made a new friend or colleague. 

An interviewer may be forthright enough to admit to your face that you impressed them. That’s a pretty obvious sign you got the job. 

2. The interviewer’s questions suggest a keen interest

Are there particular areas your interviewer spent more time or seemed more engaged? If they demonstrated a genuine interest in your background and experience in those areas, they likely saw the immense potential in you.

Check if the interviewer focused more on situational questions rather than behavioral ones. 

Situational questions seek to know how you’d respond to hypothetical situations at the position you’re interviewing for. Behavioral questions ask about things you’ve done in past jobs and how you responded to challenges there. 

Behavioral questions are generally easier to answer. So, if your interviewer asked more situational questions than behavioral ones, it means they’re trying to find out how you’d handle challenges if hired.

Did the interview questions often switch from “professional” to “casual”? Were there questions about your interests and hobbies outside of work? 

If so, that’s a good sign you impressed the hiring manager or HR professional. They already know you can perform the essential functions for the position and are probably trying to get to know you as a colleague rather than an interview subject.

3. They mentioned when you should hear back from them without you even asking

An interview that didn’t go well usually ends with something like “We’ll get back to you in a couple of weeks” or anything less specific than “we’ll call you on…,”

When the interviewer mentions a ballpark timeline (for example, you’ll hear back within a week), chances are they still have more interviews. And that means they had no idea whether or not you’re the best suit for the job. It’s not bad news, but it’s not a guarantee of anything either.

Feel encouraged if the hiring manager said something like, “We hope to have someone in place by next week. We’ll get in touch by Friday at 5 pm,” without you even asking about the timelines. Perhaps they want to check with your references before extending an offer. 

4. You picked several positive nonverbal cues

Hiring managers strive to stay neutral during interviews to ensure similar experiences for all candidates. But considering nonverbal cues speak louder than actual words, you can always take advantage of the loophole to tell what the interviewer thinks about you.

The most obvious sign is if the interviewer maintained eye contact with you throughout the interview. That conveys interest and concentration.

Other positive nonverbal signals you impressed the interviewer include tilting the head, leaning forward, a friendlier voice tone, and nodding at what you say. 

5. You aced each interview question

Interviewers ask questions to confirm what your resume and cover letter told them. They will gauge your knowledge, preparedness, and confidence when speaking about your skills and past experiences.

If you nailed every question, you’re probably in good shape. 

A unique scenario would be if the interviewer asked questions you hadn’t prepared for in advance. If this happened and you still answered them perfectly, it’s among the best signs you’ll get the job after the interview.

6. The interviewer let slip details on what you would be doing if hired

When the interviewer shifts the conversation to what you’d be doing as an employee at their company, it’s a pretty good sign you got the job.

Such comments indicate that the interviewer has considered how you would fit into the organization and the potential value you could bring.

However, most interviewers are careful not to spill the beans. They’ll use statements like, “The candidate hired for this position would” and “if you get the job, …”

But a subconscious choice of words often gives away an interviewer’s thoughts. So, take note when “if” turns into “when.” For example, they may say something like, “When you get hired, we expect this from you.”

Specifics the interviewer might delve into include:

  • What your typical day at work could look like
  • How you’ll fit into their team
  • Examples of projects you would handle
  • How your role will impact specific aspects of their business

7. Your interview went longer than scheduled

Another prominent sign you’ll get the job after the interview is when the meeting takes longer than expected. 

In-person interviews average 40 minutes. And the last thing a hiring manager anticipates on a busy day is an extended conversation—unless they’re engaged and having a good time. 

So, presume you did well if the interviewer or panel held you longer than the allotted time. They enjoyed the conversation and wanted to learn more about you. 

It’s not just about conversations in the interview room. Other encouraging activities that could eat into the interview schedule include:

  • A workplace tour: Office tours are among the most promising signs you got the job. Hiring managers often use such moments to impress potential hires with the working environment and facilities. After all, it would be impractical and time-wasting to show unqualified candidates around the office.
  • Meeting potential co-workers: If an interviewer introduces you to people from different departments, they see value in having you on board. Otherwise, they’d probably keep their cards close to their chest until they make a final decision.

8. The interviewer asked about salary expectations

When a professional appointment’s sole focus is your past experiences and skills, that’s probably just a screening interview. 

But should the recruiting team ask about your salary expectations, that’s among the most apparent signs you will get the job after the interview. 

Consider it a sign they will hire you when a company representative emphasizes the perks. They are confident they’ve found their perfect candidate and want to lock in an offer before a competitor (in this case, another organization) snatches you up.

9. The interviewer provided their contact details

When the hiring manager hands over their business card and phone number, that’s among the good signs you will get the job after the interview.

 The interviewer might have further questions about you or preferences or want to ease the follow-up process for you. Regardless, providing contact information means they expect to stay in touch with you.


Most companies won’t extend an offer on the spot. They want to see how you compare to other candidates and ensure you’re the best fit for their company.

And while they’re certainly not foolproof methods for knowing if you killed it, the above signs you got the job should ease your mind.

Ultimately, you might need to wait for whatever transpires. But I hope your wait isn’t a long one! 

And when you get that confirmation call or email, congrats! Your hard work has paid off. 

But if the prospect doesn’t work in your favor, reflect on what you learned and move on to other opportunities. Fruitful job hunting!

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